
Trainers located in The Netherlands

The following trainers are trained to teach the Official Tony Buzan Practitioner Certificate.

If you receive a training offer by someone not listed in the official database, we cannot be held responsible for the quality or competency of the training.

Willem Vriend

 Sellingen, The Netherlands

 Dutch, English, French


Willem is an educator and facilitator for twenty-five years and has integrated creative thinking and mind mapping in all aspects of his life.

 He lives with his family near Sellingen in the Northeast of The Netherlands. In this tranquil place they strive for a simple, partly self sustainable life in harmony with nature amongst the fruit, nut trees and vegetable gardens.
It is here, in nature, where creative thinking thrives well, under gigantic oak trees in the forest, where birds sing and bees visit the numerous herbs, flowers and plants in this area. Willem´s unique concept connects nature with creative thinking.
“By observing trees, flowers, bees, by looking at how insects try to survive we get different perspectives on our lives, our challenges, our work. Nature provides us with the best examples of how things work and don´t work.”
While many participants travel to the Northeast of the country to follow the workshops in tranquility, Willem also offers his services on location.
Tailor made training is offered to individuals and groups working for businesses, educational institutions, governments or international NGO´s. Special focus on education (primary, secondary and higher education) and NGO sector.

Website:  www.braincolour.com

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