
Trainers located in Portugal

The following trainers are trained to teach the Official Tony Buzan Practitioner Certificate.

If you receive a training offer by someone not listed in the official database, we cannot be held responsible for the quality or competency of the training.

Marie-Lys Antoniotti

France & Portugal

  French and Portuguese


Passionate about competition and the spirit of performance, I sought to understand how to optimize brain’s potentials. This is why I am also certified as a master practitioner in Neuro-linguistic Programming by Richard Bandler, co-creator of NLP, with whom I trained directly.

I discovered Mind Mapping and Tony Buzan’s learning techniques when I was in high school. At first, a little cautious about this new way of thinking, organizing and taking notes which calls into question the entire heritage we have of teaching, linear thinking and learning, I delayed its application.

Then, when I arrived in a new country where I knew neither the culture nor the language, I decided to put all the chances on my side to take on this challenge. Mind Mapping then allowed me to learn the language in less than two months and finish among the best in my class. Noting the magical power of this tool, I decided to pass on this technique to as many people as possible, which should be known by everyone. This is why I went to train as an official trainer with Tony Buzan Group, which allows me to offer you this training, and to soon rejoice with you in your new ability!

Website: marielys-antoniotti.fr

LinkedIn: Marie-Lys Antoniotti


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