
Trainers located in Poland

The following trainers are trained to teach the Official Tony Buzan Practitioner Certificate.

If you receive a training offer by someone not listed in the official database, we cannot be held responsible for the quality or competency of the training.


Polish, French, English


Nicolas is passionate about humans and his abilities. He also loves to travel and discover different cultures. Nicolas has also created an alternative education class for kids in Poland. He is an avid Speed Reader and an excellent teacher of speed reading, proven when he won Bronze medal in Speed Reading World Championship in 2017.
– Co-author of “Doublez votre vitesse de lecture en 30 jours” (“Double your reading speed in 30 days”), Alisio Editions, 2023
– Organiser of scientific research on Speed Reading (in collaboration with neuroscientists of CHU Marseille, France, and Kenitra University in Maroc)
– Master Degree of Management in Rennes 2 University, France.
– Master Degree of Spatial Management in Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland.
– Bronze medal of Speed Reading World Championship (2017 – Shenzhen, China)
– Co-founder of Association for Brain and Learning ( in France
– organiser of Mind Mapping and Speed Reading Competitions in France
– Trainer and coach in Speed Reading and Mind Mapping
– Bronze medal of Speed Reading UK Championship 2019 – London
