
Trainers located in Italy

The following trainers are trained to teach the Official Tony Buzan Practitioner Certificate.

If you receive a training offer by someone not listed in the official database, we cannot be held responsible for the quality or competency of the training.

Riccardo Diana

  Parma, Italy

  Italian, English


Riccardo is a master practitioner and coach and Mind Maps trainer.
He helps people and enterprise to find their potential, develop and apply their action plan and maintain their result using coaching, Mind Maps and new technology during his three years International Coaching Master he researched the best method to study and memorise and he found the mind maps.
Riccardo used mind maps successfully and when I finished master decided to be Tony Buzan Mind Maps Instructors in 2017 He is author of book “ Mappe Mentali per il business e la vita quotidiana” , best seller in Amazon Like a coach he work especially with young people from 14 to 24 years ago in the areas of school, university , sport, career and start up enterprises and about time management for balance career and private life.

Website: www.riccardodianacoach.com


Federica de Nardi


  Italian, French, & English


After working almost twenty years in Pharmaceutical Companies, Federica decided to convert her career and become a coach and trainer.

Through her experience in coaching and training Federica has seen how the mind is malleable and how each of us is destined for great things. She became a coach and trainer in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and in the New Code of NLP, training directly from its creators and developers: John Grinder, Carmen Bostic St. Clair and Michael Carroll.

When she discovered Tony Buzan’s methodology, she decided to add Mind Mapping, Speed Reading and Memory to her skills, becoming a Master Tony Buzan Licensed Instructor in these three disciplines.

As Federica says: “My commitment is to help everyone discover their potential and teach them how to create choices in their personal and professional lives and make a difference. As Director of My Coaching Academy I offer tailor-made courses in Italian, French and English, for individuals of all ages and for companies.”

Dopo aver lavorato quasi vent’anni nelle aziende farmaceutiche, ho deciso di convertire la mia carriera e di diventare coach e formatore in Programmazione Neuro-Linguistica (PNL) e nel Nuovo Codice della PNL, formandomi direttamente dai suoi creatori e sviluppatori: John Grinder, Carmen Bostic St. Clair e Michael Carroll.

Attraverso la mia esperienza nel coaching e nella formazione ho visto come la mente sia malleabile e come ognuno di noi sia destinato a grandi cose.

Quando ho scoperto la metodologia di Tony Buzan, ho deciso di aggiungere alle mie competenze il Mind Mapping, la lettura veloce e la memoria, diventando un TBLI in queste tre discipline.

Il mio impegno è quello di aiutare tutti a scoprire il proprio potenziale e insegnare loro come creare scelte nella loro vita personale e professionale e fare la differenza.

Direttrice di My Coaching Academy offro corsi su misura in italiano, francese e inglese, per individui di tutte le età e per le aziende.

Website: www.mycoachingpartners.com

Alessandro de Vita Zublena


  Italian, French, English, & Spanish


Alessandro is a coach and psychologist specialised in change and choice-making since 1994.

Alessandro uses the New Code of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) in his daily practice and has been trained directly by John Grinder (co-creator of NLP), Carmen Bostic St.Clair (co-developer of the New Code of NLP) and Michael Carroll.

Alessandro has impressively amassed more than 45,000 hours of coaching in private, business and high level sport in the European Community, Switzerland, Latin America and the USA and, as he is quadrilingual, Alessandro conducts coaching and training sessions fluently in English, French, Italian and Spanish.

Alessandro became a Master Tony Buzan Licensed Instructor in Mind Mapping, Speed Reading and Memory with the intention of giving more and more choices to his clients, and adding skills to guide them to expand their potential in their professional and personal lives.

Sono un coach e psicologo specializzato nel cambiamento e nel processo di scelta dal 1994.

Utilizzo il Nuovo Codice della Programmazione Neuro-Linguistica (PNL) nella mia pratica quotidiana e sono stato formato direttamente da John Grinder (co-creatore della PNL), Carmen Bostic St.Clair (co-sviluppatrice del Nuovo Codice della PNL) e Michael Carroll.

Ho al mio attivo oltre 45.000 ore di coaching in ambito privato, aziendale e sportivo di alto livello nella Comunità Europea, in Svizzera, in America Latina e negli Stati Uniti e conduco sessioni di coaching e formazione in inglese, francese, italiano e spagnolo.

Sono diventata TBLI in mind mapping, speed-reading e memoria con l’intenzione di dare sempre più scelte ai miei clienti, aggiungendo competenze per guidarli ad espandere il loro potenziale nella vita professionale e personale.

Website: www.mycoachingpartners.com

Cristina Giambarresi

  Milan, Italy
  Italian, & English

Founder and CEO of Rise and Care Mothers, LLC

Certified expert trainer and public speaker, certified Neuro Linguistic Programming practitioner, Licensed Mind Mapping Instructor, Wellness professional.

Website: www.intelligentiadocet.com

  Roma, Italy
  Italian, & English


Mental Coach and Memory Techniques & Speed Reading Trainer since the 2010, I have a Degree in Psychology. In Rome I had done class about Method of Studying in 50 different High Schools and in the University “La Sapienza” and University“ECampus” of Rome. 

My Purpose is give the opportunity to my Students to Achieve their own Results by using better Theirs mind. 

I have done Seminary with Anthony Robbins and some other big Trainer about Mindset and Human Resource Development. 

I have got the Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) Practitioner Certification. 

Now Work in E.Y.M. Academy, a New School of Memory Techniques & Speed Reading. 

Website: https://iopassoiltest.it/corso-mappe-mentali/

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