
Trainers located in Canada

The following trainers are trained to teach the Official Tony Buzan Practitioner Certificate.

If you receive a training offer by someone not listed in the official database, we cannot be held responsible for the quality or competency of the training.

Vam Askari

 Toronto, Ontario



Life engineering coach with 8+ years of experience specializing in training services for Mind Mapping, Smart Reading, Memory Improvement, Goal Setting, Time Management, and Peak Performance techniques.
Founder of the “reLearn Centre” who believes that in order to be successful in life, it is vital to have the ability to learn, unlearn and relearn. Versatile author of several books about self-improvement, Smart Reading and also the co- author of the New York Times best-sellers book “Success Blueprint ” with Brian Tracy.
🟠  Successfully wrote and published “Smart Reading” and “Success Blueprint” books.
🟠  Created personalized coaching and training programs for individuals.
🟠  Designed a social networking platform to foster a community of mind mapping practitioners.
🟠  Utilized exceptional writing and editing skills to produce innovative and engaging content.
🟠  Hosted and successfully ran seminars regularly.
🟠  Launched online campaigns to promote Network Marketing which resulted in up to 30% increase in revenue.

Website: www.relearncentre.com

Olivier Camirand

  Quebec, Canada




Coach Olivier has been an officially certified Tony Buzan Certified Instructor (TBLI) in Speed Reading since 2024.

Coach Olivier lives in Quebec, Canada. He discovered speed reading thanks to his mother Christine in 2020. It would change his life forever for the better.

What does it really take to read quickly and efficiently? What’s stopping you from becoming an elite speed reader? What if what’s holding you back is the process of reading and memorizing that we’ve learned since childhood?

He’s an entrepreneur with a passion for speed reading, mind mapping/memorization and everything to do with personal growth and human evolution.

He is a speaker on speed reading, memorization and concentration. He has read over 450 books in 3 years. He currently coaches dozens of people in their quest for speed reading techniques, advanced memorization techniques and concentration.

Get to know him and learn how to structure and program your brain to create an efficient reading process, a high level of information retention and an even higher level of focus.


To make a difference in his clients’ learning processes, to improve theirproductivity and unleash their full reading and memory potential.

Today, he wants us to reflect on the following phrase: “Learn to unlearn inorder to learn better”

Olivier Camirand

Coach Olivier est certifié officiellement instructeur agréé Tony Buzan (TBLI) en lecture rapide depuis 2024.

Coach Olivier réside au Québec, Canada.

Il découvre la lecture rapide grâce à sa mère Christine en 2020.

Cela changera sa vie à jamais pour le mieux. Qu’est-ce que ça prend vraiment pour lire rapidement et efficacemment? Qu’est-ce qui t’empêche de devenir un lecteur rapide d’élite?

Et si ce qui te bloque c’est le processus de lecture et mémorisation appris depuis notre enfance?

Il est un entrepreneur passionné de la lecture rapide, du mind mapping/mémorisation et tout ce qui touche la croissance personnelle, l’évolution humaine.

Il est conférencier en lecture rapide & mémorisation, concentration. Il a plus de 450 livres lus à son actif en 3 ans. Il coach actuellement des dizaines de personnes dans leur quête de techniques de lecture rapide, de techniques de mémorisation avancées et de concentration.

Apprenez à le connaître et ainsi apprenez comment structurer et programmer votre cerveau afin de vous créez un processus de lecture efficace, un niveau de rétention de l’information élevé et un niveau de focus encore plus élevé.


Faire une différence dans le processus d’apprentissage de ses clients afin d’améliorer leur productivité et libérer leur plein potentiel de lecture et mémorisation déjà ancré en eux.

Aujourd’hui, il veut nous faire réfléchir sur la phrase suivante : ‘’Apprendre à désapprendre afin de mieux apprendre’’

Website: www.olicamirand.com

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