Trainers located in Brazil
The following trainers are trained to teach the Official Tony Buzan Practitioner Certificate.
If you receive a training offer by someone not listed in the official database, we cannot be held responsible for the quality or competency of the training.

Márcia Mesquita is a consultant in training and developing people for high performance through mental clarity and enhancement of cognitive skills.
She is a Mind Mappping Instructor, licensed by Tony Buzan International.
Graduated in Social Communication and post-graduated in Marketing, Márcia Mesquita acquired excellent professional experience, going through different scenarios of the corporate world such as Grupo Petróleo Ipiranga, Banco Santander, Banco HSBC, RBS TV (Globo); from Social Communication consultancy to business and people management.
At the beginning of her activities with human development, she knew the Mind Mapping technique and started to use it in the transition of her own career, organizing and optimizing her mind to establish the company and the whole process of the new profession. With excellent results, she fell in love with the tool and decided to include it in the Coaching sessions, being very successful with her clients.
With the results increasingly positive, in 2017, Márcia Mesquita decided to become an accredited instructor of Tony Buzan to teach this important knowledge and multiply the countless benefits that enhance the capacity of the human mind.
The baggage of this trajectory, combined with the most modern, effective and proven leadership development techniques, self-leadership and mental mapping, resulted in the design of a specialist with a broad vision and solutions for the development and growth of professionals, leaders, teams and entrepreneurs who wish to challenge your potential and increase your results.
With national and international operations, Márcia Mesquita applies her methodology and experience through coaching, mentoring, training and lecturing processes.
Brasilia, Brasil
English, Portuguese
Tiago is internationally licensed to certify Accelerated Learning and Mind Mapping (Tony Buzan International©)
Tiago Agustino Borges is a civil servant at the Federal Audit Court and Administrator at Unb – Universidade de Brasília with specializations in Learning Psychology, Corporate Education, and Innovation and Technologies in Education. He is an international Master and Trainer in Neuro-Semantics and NLP – Neuro-Linguistic Programming, and a Trainer and Consultant in Behavioral Skills based on Neurosciences.