
Trainers located in Spain

The following trainers are trained to teach the Official Tony Buzan Practitioner Certificate.

If you receive a training offer by someone not listed in the official database, we cannot be held responsible for the quality or competency of the training.

Mélanie Taveira

 Murcia, Spain

 French, English, Portuguese, Spanish & Italian


Entrepreneur and Co-Founder of Brain Master Academy, Mélanie Taveira is a high-level coach in Personal Development and Leadership.

After a Master’s Degree in Corporate Finance, Mélanie worked in a French multinational company as a financial analyst. It took her one year to realise that she did not want to leave her destiny, nor her ambitions, in the hands of others as an employee. As her mentor, Michele La Porta, always says: “if you want to dedicate yourself to the world of coaching, become a successful entrepreneur first, otherwise, under what legitimacy do you want to be a coach?” So Mélanie decided to launch a personal project and, after 6 years of hard work, she leads a successful commercial team of almost 80 people.

When Mélanie was ready for the world of coaching, she worked hard with people to help them to take their mind to the next level using our inner resources. But she realised a personal struggle. The 21st century has revealed thousands and thousands of discoveries, and new information to which we have unlimited access, yet it is also the era where an entire generation is paralysed with social networks, where the ability to concentrate has been reduced to the 30 seconds of a TikToK story.

This is the reason why Mélanie has decided to dedicate herself to personal development, precisely through communication, leadership and learning techniques with Speed Reading, Mind Mapping and Memory Power to help people to break schemes with the objective of making a difference.

Website: www.brainmasteracademy.com

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