
Trainers located in the USA

The following trainers are trained to teach the Official Tony Buzan Practitioner Certificate.

If you receive a training offer by someone not listed in the official database, we cannot be held responsible for the quality or competency of the training.

Honolulu, Hawaii, USA


  Japanese and English


Mikiko Chikada is one of the most authentic Mind Mappers, according to Professor Tony Buzan, her teacher and mentor. She worked closely with Tony and translated 11 titles of his books into Japanese as well as led train-the-trainer and practitioner courses. Her first book entitled “Buzanology” won the gold position at Tony Buzan Book Awards 2021.

Mikiko teaches:

Mind Mapping (TBLI, and Practitioner levels)

Speed Reading (TBLI, and Practitioner Levels)

Memory (TBLI, and Practitioner Levels)

Advanced Practitioner Course

Mikiko mainly teaches online via Zoom, and in-person sessions are also available.

For inquires regarding the courses, please contact Mikiko at


Safa Mahjoub, MS

 Jacksonville, Florida, USA

 Arabic, French, English


Founder and CEO of Rise and Care Mothers, LLC
Certified expert trainer and public speaker, certified Neuro Linguistic Programming practitioner, Licensed Buzan Mind Mapping Instructor, Wellness professional.


Heather Marquez

 Waterloo, Iowa, USA



Heather Marquez

As a 16-year-old retail cashier, Heather learned that there was more to being a leader than a title and a set of keys. This experience began her lifetime quest to build her leadership skills and help others develop theirs. After 25 years in corporate management and leadership roles, Heather now focuses exclusively on developing others on their journeys of personal and professional growth.

Heather leads creative, growth-driven workshops, seminars, and coaching that:

• guide individuals to realize their purpose through collaboration that will unlock their leadership potential

• equip business leaders with the skills needed to increase employee productivity and engagement while building a positive company culture

• help teams drive results and overcome obstacles

As a Tony Buzan Licensed Instructor in Mind Mapping, Maxwell Leadership Certified Coach, Speaker and Trainer, ActionCOACH and Certified Human Behavior Specialist, Heather uses the best methods and tools available to achieve results.


Kevin Pillion

 Sarasota, Florida, USA



Kevin Pillion strongly believes in Tony Buzan’s mission to maximise the brain’s limitless potential to everyone on the planet. An expert in Mind Mapping, he was taught by our CEO Dr. Jorge Castaneda personally in 2018. Kevin has kindly donated his time as a volunteer to help spread Tony Buzan’s dream.

Kevin has a successful full time law practice for which he devotes most of his time. He is the founder of Life Planning Law Firm in Sarasota, Florida, and his website is He is a member of The Florida Bar, National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys, Florida, Academy of Elder Law Attorneys, Life Care Planning Law Firms Association, and he is accredited by the Department of Veterans’ Affairs. Kevin is licensed to practice law in both Florida and Washington, DC.

In his spare time, Kevin is an avid reader and has a much-loved quote from one of his favourite writers, Joseph Addison, an English scholar from the 1700s: “Three grand essentials to happiness in this life are: Something to do, Something to love, and Something to hope for”. These are words that Kevin lives by.


John Mahany

 Long Beach, California, USA



John Mahany has extensive experience in the aviation industry and is blending Mind Mapping with different aviation applications, ranging from optimizing the onboarding learning cycles to generating more productivity in aviation-related projects.